Ralph Edwards, game show host of Truth or Consequences The town's name was changed from "Hot Springs" to "Truth or Consequences" on March 31, 1950, after Ralph Edwards, the host of the popular game show "Truth or Consequences," called for any town in America to do so - in celebration of the show's ten year anniversary.
The complete story of the name change can be found here.
New Mexico's Spaceport America, currently under construction, is located approximately 30 miles southeast of Truth or Consequences in a remote area near Upham that is favored due to low population density, uncongested airspace, and high elevation.
A more detailed map (with less context) is featured on the Spaceport America website.
You must have a business license, available from the City Clerk, if your business is located within the city limits, and from the County Clerk if it is outside the city limits.
You must have a CRS number (CRS = Combined Reporting System) in order to pay local gross receipts tax (GRT) on applicable sales. Our City Clerks can assist with a CRS number, or you can apply for one online.
You'll also need a Federal Employee Identification Number (EIN), which may be obtained online.
If you operate a hotel, motel or bed and breakfast, you are required to pay Lodgers & Convention Center Tax. Contact the City Clerks for information.
Call the Building Inspector to schedule a Fire/Safety/ADA Compliance Inspection. Your building must pass this inspection before your business can open.
Contact our local Chamber of Commerce for this information and more.
Please refer to the city's Solid Waste page for current recycling information and operating hours.
Visit the County Clerk's office at 100 N. Date to register for all municipal, county and general elections. If you can not visit the office in person, call the Clerk's office at 894-2840 and ask them to mail voter registration forms to you. You will be required to send proof of residency with the completed form.
If you'd rather register online, numerous websites provide the means to do so, including Congress.org, JustVote.org, and Rock the Vote.No matter what method of registration you choose, the State of New Mexico requires that you supply your social security number and date of birth when registering. Though limited voter registration information is made available to the public, your social security number and date of birth are kept confidential, and are never disclosed as part of that information.
You'll find a meeting planner section on Sierra County's Tourism and Recreation website, with information on lodging, restaurants and meeting space in T or C and throughout the county.
The main tourism website is: https://www.sierracountynewmexico.info/
You may also contact the City Clerk-Treasurer's Office at (575) 894-6673 or by email to: TorCClerk@torcnm.org for more information.
And finally, we highly recommend you download the Chamber of Commerce App.
For iPhone and Android
Download in Google Playstore
Yes - but only from October 1 though March 31.
Otherwise (April 1 - September 30), the City enforces a Restricted Watering Schedule in an effort to conserve water. You'll find the schedule (and answers to many more of your questions on local utilities) on the Utilities Department page.
If you've purchased a license for your cat or dog (and put the tag on your pet's collar) and they are picked up by Animal Control, the City Clerk's office will be contacted. The Clerk's office will in turn look up the license number and contact the pet's registered owner.
Otherwise, you can check the two Animal Shelters (Sierra and Desert Haven ), and let the Police Department know (call dispatch for lost pets; do not call 911 unless someone's life is in immediate danger). You might also try calling the local radio station; they may be willing to make an on-air announcement about your missing pet.
Posting flyers in your neighborhood may help you locate your pet, but you are responsible for removing any flyers you post after they are no longer needed.